The 2018 moose hunting season has ended for Clearwater Alaska Outfitters. We have just delivered some great Alaskan bull moose and grizzly trophies to the shipper in Anchorage including a huge Boone and Crocket Grizzly Bear.
Your Alaska Moose Hunting Guides are here to give you an excellent hunting experience as well as hunting for those trophy Alaska bull moose and Interior Alaskan grizzly bears. Hunting for those big grizzly bears over a bull moose gut pile is an excellent way to hunt in the fall time. Why not give it a try? Booking season is in full swing. If you want to hold your spot with Clearwater Alaska Outfitters for the 2019 season, give us a call today. We would be happy to talk with you about hunting.
Or, if you’d rather hunt for Alaska Grizzly Bears alone, we have a super good spring grizzly hunt where you can either spot and stalk or hunt over a bait. We’re always happy to talk with you and answer any questions you may have.